Thursday, October 02, 2008


Stupid Rules!

Stupid white people scare me because the have no excuse for their bewilderment as they try to reduce everything abstract to the concrete level and still their bubble is always off no matter how obtuse the angle of their cocked head .

Why can’t those who achieve beyond their innate talent levels just admit it? And why can’t they admit stupid as reflected on academic transcripts from their student days.

John McCain, Joe Biden and Sarah Palin were mediocre students which is actually inflating them because the bottom 10 percent of one’s class is looking up from the cellar- like a spinning spider on a rough hewn beam. An average grade of C is usually the lowest grade attainable for those who walk, chew gum and have long necks during college exams and when is the last time you heard of someone flunking out of law school or a military academy?

Why can’t someone admit,” I really tried as a student in all my classes I’m just not very smart. Sometimes I just get lost. I just don’t follow. Is that a crime? “

No, everyone has a story about being a rebel or party animal and not taking things seriously. You know like I’m really smart in spite of all hard data evidence that points to a different conclusion. “Dumb white person” should be a tee shirt and I would wear it because I’m not one but I wouldn’t care if people thought I was as long as everyone admitted such people exist and can be found throughout the government. .
Everything we stress with young students is totally devalued as people move into the work force. It really is the old joke “everybody likes a little but nobody likes a smart ass.”

I worked a career with teachers most with master’s degrees and some doctorates. Ninety percent of these individuals are not of raging intellect they are more diligent and more or less organized. Like a special student once said to me “you don’t cut nobody you ain’t no doctor.”


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