Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Toxic Asset

Caveman Hit-"Will you still love me tomarrow"

I woke up this morning with two words in my head “Toxic Asset.” What in the freak is a Toxic Asset?
I guess it’s like “you owe me money with interest accruing daily BUT it ain’t like I’m ever getting it back from your sub primate self. I have a better chance collecting owed bones from Australopithecus or Home habilis or as spell checker prefers Homo Chablis and god knows lots of homos drink white wine straight up-hold the Elliot Spitzer. ”
And so the government buys these assets from banks with real money-the bank is like Whoa good deal- and then tries to collect them toxic assets like a pump truck on a porta-potty- assets like defaulted student loans but everyone knows that college people with degrees ain’t paying for something they already have hanging on their wall.
There is no more faulty strategy than buying bad debt and turning it into a profit. I think on the street it’s called pay day loans or just plain loan sharking. How about those yuppies that flipped houses like pancakes? They should be made part of Strike Force Bin Laden and sent into mountainous Pakistan on the mission to find the arthritic 6’5” Arab on dialysis hooked nosed home video maker and to toss his dead carcass over the back of a donkey and parade him through the streets shouting “All you Turban Taliban, Paragons and Octagons can get some too-hear what I’m sayin?”
Somewhere the land carps of the economy are mapping a bottom feeding plan of attack. It happened yesterday on Wall Street because that’s how the game is played. If you can stick your head in to the bailout money pipeline-it has to flow somewhere- you can capitalize on your neighbor’s misery and shattered dreams all the time acting the savior like you are doing him a favor.
The problem is I don’t know how to do that just like I don’t understand how people made millions on the Dot Com Bubble.



The politicians are so powerful and plentiful, I am afraid they GOT us! I like your use of the word "carps."

What a crime in the US!

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