Monday, November 03, 2008
Keep Rocking in the Third World

Africa is a continent improbable and impossible to comprehend and so in America we don’t because the bottom line is we don’t care. And call me Afro American but I can’t think of a single political pressure group in America that gives a second thought to Africans.
We have a half African about to win the election to the presidency yet Barack is never asked a single question about American foreign policy towards the dark continent. Just in the last two weeks there have been stories of Somali Pirates boarding vessels in the shipping channel and holding crew for ransom, stories of public stonings of 13 year old rape victims, then there’s the East Congo, Darfur and smuggling services that regularly pitch their cargo into the deep blue sea.
And yet not a single campaign question is posed as we all are too busy watching Saturday Night Live. I do not have a bleeding heart on-I am just taking notice and saying we live in a morally fucked up world that we choose to ignore and that is inarguably dangerous.
And speaking of Afghanistan, going back to the Russian invasion of 1980, just exactly what is our mission and why don’t we have enough people on the ground and like Vietnam people who won’t stop fighting cannot be defeated they can only be killed.
Maybe that should be a foreign policy-kill all peoples who may fuck with us in the future. Or while on vacation.
All the debates and all the questions and the bottom line less than 24 hours before this historic election is “ain’t nobody saying shit about nothing to nobody”
Third World Freddogg
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3WF- it seems that we've turned dangerously inward as Americans. If you can get a 52 inch flat screen at Sam's,load it up in your Denali, stop at Starbucks for a coffee while texting your friends about some fake reality show or fake US magazine bullshit, you don't talk about important shit. And if you do, spout a 'talking point' from a party representative on a faux newscast. The questions will come for either Sen. Mac or the Big O; we'd better pray they have the answers, and our neighbors and friends stop hatin' and start participatin'.
Great points ambassador cannonball I hereby appoint you ambassador of the Congo..Cannonball of the Congo
I know Biden-been introduced to him 32 times-I sent word for him not to forget me for the 33rd time if his ticket wins the White House and when he hears a certain word to think of this Delaware Journalist and the word is 'Junket'.
I know Biden-been introduced to him 32 times-I sent word for him not to forget me for the 33rd time if his ticket wins the White House and when he hears a certain word to think of this Delaware Journalist and the word is 'Junket'.
Good questions - how come you're asking them now, and not over the last several months when answering them might have been relevant to the outcome? You media types are all alike, even you Freddog, who deceives others but, even more sadly, yourself. But for your fascination with profanity you're no different than other mainstream media losers in the club. You want to know who's to blame for this joke of an election? Look in the mirror. Did you really think it would be as easy as asking a few questions in the last few minutes to assuage your guilt for dropping the ball? Make all the excuses you want for not being accountable, but you know you are guilty as charged.
Tha Messenger
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Good questions - how come you're asking them now, and not over the last several months when answering them might have been relevant to the outcome? You media types are all alike, even you Freddog, who deceives others but, even more sadly, yourself. But for your fascination with profanity you're no different than other mainstream media losers in the club. You want to know who's to blame for this joke of an election? Look in the mirror. Did you really think it would be as easy as asking a few questions in the last few minutes to assuage your guilt for dropping the ball? Make all the excuses you want for not being accountable, but you know you are guilty as charged.
Tha Messenger
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