Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Cartoon Netjerks

A teacher and a hall monitor, the teacher a Phillies fan, said,”The fans of the Phils have nothing to say about A Rod, not if they cheered for that 93’ team with Dykstra, Dalton, Hollins and company.”
I asked if they had seen the caricature of A Rod on the cover of the New Yorker signing autographs for little leaguers with piped out arms. Instantaneously I became leftist liberal commie faggot “in the house.”
The Hall Monitor had a copy of Ann Coulter’s book on his “who was late to class” clipboard. He looked at me askance and I refrained from calling him a freaking moron. I stated to them both “My original question was ‘did you see the cover’ I thought it was clever personally I don’t care what is on your list of banned magazines but the bottom line is “too many conjunctive compound complex sentences the more likely a liberal bias.”
Those to the political right of center are a little edgy these days their paranoia only heightened by Slum Dog Millionaire with all those Indians getting Best Picture and Sean Penn of all people being chosen Best Actor for playing slain activist Harvey Milk who by the way had a Gay Charter school named after him in Greenwich Village.
Two years ago a pair of transvestite students at recess were attracting Johns on the street, then beating them up and stealing their money. I think one was dressed as Ann Coulter and the other Laura Ingram.
Poetic injustice on the mean streets of the metropolis.