Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Juan Solution

Introducing Juan Solution, the single purpose Mexican! Actually the woman on the panel said one solution but my mind makes things up as a defense mechanism from boredom.
My brain is like millions of corrupted files bleeding into one another, That’s why the older and truly insane among us tend to come from education and accomplishment because you have to be fundamentally smart to reach into the barrel of all the way crazy.
I purchased a Toyota license plate for the front of my truck. The guy asked me what color do you prefer and I said “Black Pearl like my women” a reference to the movie Airplane the I asked him if he heard about the man who was half black and half Japanese and he said, “No, Actually I have not.” Now I have learned that people who break apart contractions almost never have a sense of humor “do you know what I am saying?”
“Every December 7 he bombs Pearl Bailey,”that is the joke, now hardly ever funny because people don’t know history or Americana like December 7 or Pearl Bailey.


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