Monday, May 25, 2009
A Hoagie in Hand

Today I shook hands with a retired urologist in WaWa as he was waiting for a six inch Shortie with oil and no mayo. An Indian guy-could be a law-he said “oh yes you are sports/coach person.” I did notice he shook my hand like a limp dick there is no other way to describe it, I mean it’s not like he choked chickens for a living.
And of course his two sons are incredibly successful one is a cardiologist and the other a corporate lawyer in Manhattan. And I’m big assed white sock wearing hip degenerative sports/coach guy.
There was a strapping young guy ordering a sub and wearing no shirt. Think hoagie then think no shirt and already I am feeling oily. What a freaking moron to be an under 30 poser dude in Wawa like how desperate are you to want to be acclaimed “Best Brunch Body on Beach Getaway Day at WaWa hoagie counter”?
Yesterday's news produced two winners. A purse snatcher “sucker punched” a blind lady on a bus-how else do you punch a blind person-and a suicidal Chinese guy held up bridge traffic for five hours until a citizen broke through a police barrier and asked the man “do you really want to jump” then pushed him off saying he was just looking for attention which is no reason to hold up traffic.