Friday, May 08, 2009


Soft side of Sarcasm

The soft side of sarcastic man that’s what makes observation and humor fresh and vibrant and wit meaningful otherwise you’re just a grouchy bitch.
Yesterday I was taking pictures at a girl’s lacrosse game when I heard a little voice scream “Hey Fredman!” It was two year old granddaughter Lina so I snapped her photo through the chain link.
Then I saw this cute redheaded girl leaning by the fence and I joked “trust me” and snapped her photo with a long sports lens. Her dad is a former student of mine her last name is Catts I wrote down the first but promptly lost it because I’m a forgetful idiot.
Also pictured is the Tower Hill goalie who turned and charged her own net factoring the element of complete surprise into her life tired of just playing defense because where is the glory?
Speaking of goalies, the greatest sign ever in sports at the Spectrum during a Flyers game: “Only God has more saves than Bernie Parent.”
And the worst sign was at a Rangers game after Flyers goalie Pelle Lingburg was killed when his Porsche hit a wall at 100 p.m.h.
Ron Hextall was the new goalie and the sign read “Hey Hextall Drive a Porche!”

Later gators


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