Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Three Sided Box
“You’re in Time Out you bloated biscuit now get your phylum of dinosaurs and magic markers cause it’s solitary time for you and all your imaginary friends to be sequestered inside the three sided appliance box so the rest of us can catch a much needed break .And if you keep screaming we’re putting the top on.”
CNN interviewed this pair of young morbidly obese parents who have sued a school district for putting their “autistic” child-himself in the 99th percentile of the teeter-totter elite- in a time out box for two hours allowing the kid to draw all over himself while screaming “I’ve got your diplodocus right here!”
“And the teacher is still working while the suit is in court” speaking of which check out the food court at Wall mart and indoor playground at McDonald’s because this family is milking this like a cream filled Borden cow.
Parents today cry “no discipline” and agree kids “want discipline” but if Brandon is punished and no amount of lobbying will sway the teacher in charge then the parents go on the attack. That is why so many sensible people are leaving the business.
Parents calling CNN and the cable news Barbie’s and Ken’s “how horrible to punish a kid with time out” but it is aversion therapy along with respite for the majority who may get their own ticket to the three sided box.
I have a special needs grandson who gets timeout at school, home and at his grandparent’s house. He sometimes pouts; it tugs at your heart but appropriate social behaviors must be inculcated early or it’s hang around the institution for an adult lifetime.