Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Brutal Honesty

All time is real there is no elapsed time concept for certain special people. And there is no filter so what you get is unedited honesty hence the phrase brutally honest. My grandmother said, honesty is a good thing but unedited and unbridled honesty will eventually get you hurt.”
I walked into a decrepit mall yesterday emerging out a rainstorm like a wet dog invited into the house and there on a bench was a toothless black man that actually looked the same since I last saw him in 1976 with his think glasses and dirty ball cap. He was a “special student” and he is a survivor known by thousands who pull up their jackets like criminals going into court hoping not to be recognized.
I stopped and looked at him and he squirmed thinking I was crazier than he was until I said “Yo, it’s Fredman!”
And then he began to wear me out holding me personally responsible for aging 33 years in five minutes just kept looking me up and down and said "dam you went and got all big on me and how come your not wearing a hat you always wore a hat what’s the matter you don’t like hats no more.”
It went on, ”when you gonna let me clean your car, where do you stay, I’ll come around and clean you car.’ I wanted to say “I’ll pay you not to come around.” Then he said “I’m into church now, the lord is my Sheppard “, so I joked, “Really, does your Sheppard follow you to the liquor store because in all my years both slim and “all big” I’ve never seen a Sheperd follow a sheep into a liquor store.”
He responded,”I knew that was you, same old jokes. Hey man-you ever stop joking”?
“I’m not joking.”

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