Friday, November 13, 2009
A person I know through the far reaching extension network of social contacts of my long life saw me someplace and said how much they enjoy reading my stories on Face Book. Several other “trackers” have issued similar compliments.
“That’s nice,” I said. “But 420 characters over five sentences hardly constitute a story.”
I don’t “Tweet” but I do write messages in the Face Book window and occasionally wish someone a Happy Birthday. Mundane and boring are words that come to mind for most Facebook posts but perhaps friends find it interesting that someone is tired or wants the rain to stop.
Other themes are the vacuous rants from the right wing Obama haters. Like I always told my students, ’by all means have an opinion on domestic and foreign affairs but try to bolster your position with a logical presentation of facts. Now these same students are quoting Glenn Beck.”
So what about Balloon Boy and his parents? Brilliant I think to dupe most of the country. I can tell you when I first saw what looked like micro waved popcorn sailing across the sky I quickly concluded “That balloon boy bitch ain’t in there! And what’s next, scrambling jets, putting Norad on alert?
A few days ago I saw this poised 12 year old blond girl looking like an extra from Village of the Damned Two. Her clone of a mother was sitting with her on the Today Show because the kid could not stop sneezing and it was so obviously fake-no snot no watery eyes- and she doesn’t sneeze when she sleeps and will somebody please give me a freaking break. Somebody smack this kid as black cheerleaders chant “whoop upside the head whoop upside the head”!
And who the hell stands outside an arena hoping to get a dose of the H1N1 vaccine? There are thousands of fat and flaccid, smoking and hypertensive slugs, many with resting pulses over 100, waiting in line for vaccine. There should jump in the ocean and kick start their immune systems and they will be fine. That’s the way I see it and I’m proud to say no medical experts agree with me.
“Freddogg Off The Chain” is returning and sometimes it will be anecdotal and funny other times caustic and edgy but behind it all I am always happy.
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Most of all glad to know you're always happy - that's a heightened state of spiritual encroachment. Keep on writing, ranting and trucking! Woof, woof.
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