Monday, November 16, 2009
The New York Post had a Sunday Headlined Story “Pussy Whipped!” I was outraged and appalled-not really- that such a crude and vulgar expression indicating an emasculated male who is bossed around by his Alpha female could appear in print on a Sunday no less. The term “whipped” says it all you don’t need a modifier but wait; what if the “pussy whipped” victims are not male- they are no less whipped.
This is a Bronx tenement story of a 10 year old house cat with a medical condition losing its mind and drinking and eating all the day long ballooning to 16 pounds which is one fat=assed cat then going carnivore making psycho noises skulking in doorways barring its teeth ready to eat the woman of the house and her 10 year old son.
These two had to hide behind a door and call 911 on a cell phone. Multiple police responded thinking an actual big cat had escaped first laughed but try extracting a homicidal cat skinning your lower leg down to the bone. The cops had to get the cat “into a bag” and in this era of non descriptive language all bystanders could say was “too funny” actually in the Bronx I believe it was “way too fucking funny-I am not worthy of such hilarity. “
If there were a fight to the death between you and the neighbors lawn cat-you have to be naked-no weapons allowed- you may win but you are going to look pretty dam silly doing it!