Saturday, December 05, 2009


Sleeping In Plain Sight

Traveling north on a crowded Route 1 last Thursday I saw a skinny black man by the side of the highway holding a sign”Music for a Song! Going Out of business. Everything 50 percent off!” The man was horizontal from the waist up resting his hand on top of his free arm. He was sound asleep.
Last Sunday inside the Eagles press box cafeteria and tall young black man in a hooded jacked took up an entire four person table. He was sitting in a chair but sprawled on the table sleeping, actually snoring. So what if 60 minutes of football takes three and a half hours?
Twenty five years ago I dropped three young black men I was supervising on a summer job off in the middle of a field to paint a small white block house. When I go back they were inside sleeping on shutters supported by saw horses. I got mad then one causally kicked an empty paint can on to the floor and they all said, “No paint, can’t paint, what do you want us to do, look busy like a white person who still ain’t doing nothing?”
Thirty years ago I dropped work study special student James off at his two hour custodial job at a restaurant. The owner came in at 9:30 and James was sleeping in a booth. The place was spotless James had cleaned it twice then napped waiting for me to pick him up.
Later that afternoon I began a round table discussion with my special workers on the concept of looking busy even when you're not. Suddenly they all fell out laughing because the other teacher-55 years old white guy-had fallen asleep at the table.
Thirty five years as a teacher I frequently walked into faculty rooms to the sight and sounds of teachers sleeping always men always on their backs with heads back and mouths open. I just thought it was wrong, you know, it’s not like they’re obstetricians on a 24 hour shift. It was their “planning period” and what they planned to do was sleep.
Personally I sleep so lightly and distrustfully that if a skinny cat walks across a soft carpet the noise pounds in my brain and I track his sounds and if he starts to scratch the mattress I scream and pounce snatching him by the scruff of the neck like a dissatisfied mother intent on eating him for the benefit of the greater good.
Sleeping in public is like sex in public, just a cultural taboo, no one wants to see it. But looking busy when you are not is just plain silly.
I’ve had the experience of having a student ask me a question then watching him fall asleep during my answer. I usually conclude it is drugs otherwise I just may be that boring.

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