Friday, October 12, 2007
Schmucks Amuck

I am the winner of this year’s Nobel Schmuck prize. I was already a finalist when just this afternoon I was walking through the Lowe’s parking lot with a construction grade 75 foot rubber hose-I hate it when I’m ready to wash my car and the hose is kinked-I mean I really violently hate it- and just after I tossed the hose into the bed of my Tundra an old limping man carrying a empty silver bowl ask me for a donation to help pay for his wife’s funeral because she just died of diabetes and he didn’t have any insurance or job to pay burial expenses.
I should have asked “well where’s the bitch now” but the guy wasn’t a drunk and so I processed all available information and gave the guy a wad of one’s totally nine dollars. And as soon as he procured the money the story stopped dead just like his diabetic dead wife who was probably at home setting the table for the high stakes blue collar pinochle tournament at the trailer park.
I sat in my truck and watched the guy work figuring it was entertainment for my nine dollars. I saw a man who is always complaining that his son doesn’t get enough newspaper recognition playing sports. The guy gave him nothing in fact everyone but me gave nothing which is why I win the Nobel Schmuck prize.
Once after a Ravens game I saw a little old black man on his knees begging for coins. A young white dude stopped at a traffic light jumped out of his pickup and ran over and gave the guy a can of Budweiser. The guy got up went over to a wall and sat back practically purring and he tasted the first sip.
Budweiser boy was a semi finalist for Nobel Schmuck but I won because that guy was just a regular schmuck while I am a stupid schmuck.
And you know what? I’m o.k. with all of it!
Freddogg “Ain’t To Proud To Beg”
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Are you familiar with the etymology of the word "schmuck"? I'll give you a hint - it's believed to be derivitive of the Yiddish word "shmok", which is the most private part of the male anatomy.
I must admit, I've considered you in a lot of ways, but never as one of those. Are you saying I should look at you in a new light?
The Messenger
Are you familiar with the etymology of the word "schmuck"? I'll give you a hint - it's believed to be derivitive of the Yiddish word "shmok", which is the most private part of the male anatomy.
I must admit, I've considered you in a lot of ways, but never as one of those. Are you saying I should look at you in a new light?
The Messenger
You're such a playful boy!
By the way, what's with the reference to Jesus in your email? You haven't found Him, have you?
(I'll accept just about any response but "I didn't know He was lost".)
The Messenger
By the way, what's with the reference to Jesus in your email? You haven't found Him, have you?
(I'll accept just about any response but "I didn't know He was lost".)
The Messenger
wait, then what am I putting on my PB&J when I open the bottle of schmuckers? Actually, I think it is Smuckers. "With a name like smuckers, it has to be good." You know, Smuckers IS a name like schmuckers.... Hmmmmm, so racy.
Jesus is one of my alter egos like my grandmother. If he is there he is most certainly messing with me. You may call it a test I call it messing but I'm not taking the bait.
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