Saturday, December 29, 2007


Fryday in Pakistan

A KFC was torched during recent riots in Islamabad prompting a country wide Ad Campaign "Extremist Fried Chicken."

Benazir Bhutto sounds like a cold remedy that makes you drowsy rather than a front page Assassination in Pakistan story that will put you to sleep. George Carlin said that disastrous events are only fun if they happen close to home but no one gives a dam about what happens ten thousand miles away. Only if the American government integrated a current events test with access to NFL games on cable would America begin to pay attention to chaotic events in foreign lands that end with the words “Nuclear Weapons.” We may as well throw in a Breathalyzer because we wouldn’t want anyone testing under the influence.

Bhutto was a rich and corrupt former leader who wore red lipstick-I found her to be from the obnoxious and privileged class but she just had to come back and challenge incumbent Pervez Musharraf who is the laser mouse vibrating in the front pocket of the American CIA.

Here’s a paragraph that sums it up. “"We have the evidence that Al Qaeda and Taliban were behind the suicide attack on Benazir Bhutto," Interior Minister Hamid Nawaz said in Islamabad.

And so who cares about any of this and the answer is "Nuclear Weapons in the hands of 150 million Raiders of the Lost Ark exotic street dancers?" Would a country drop a nuclear weapon on itself? Remember riots in American cities when out of control mobs burned down their own neighborhoods?

Huckleberry Hound or whatever the name of that Baptist Republican seeking the presidential nomination said American needs to secure its borders from Pakistanis trying to sneak into the country. You can tell Huckabee doesn’t have local liquor stores programmed into his Geo positioning car Tom Tom.

Listen to the presidential candidates discuss this crises on the world stage and you quickly realize they are just as clueless as the rest of us.

I heard Hilary going off about how she was friends with “Benazir” for a dozen years and my gut reaction was “Shut up you multi millionaire bitch” because the rest of us never heard of her and we don’t care.’”

I can just see high school teachers across American trying to teach this complicated scenario to the “game boy” generation.

Strike up a conversation with an educated friend and you will quickly realize that neither of you know shit about the dynamics of world events but you know the Holiday Bowl schedule and when the first round of the NFL playoffs begin.


Dear Dave,
Some of us have heard of Bhuto even befor her present return to Pakistan. Charges of corruption have flown about her two administrations but none have ever been proven. Her party was the largest political party in Pakistan and as FDR was hated by the upper classes in the US because they felt he had betrayed his class (social), so was Bhuto in Pakistan. She was a politician who represented the poor and fought for liberalization and modernization of her country as did her father who was hanged after a military coup. She was replaced by a military dictatorship and the rule of law, other than martial, flew out the window. This is a fate that we face as a country as long as we allow the mixing of right wing politics and the military. Much to the dismay of many of my Republican friends I often point out that dictatorships derive from right wing politics. Watching Rudy it is obvious that he will preach the politics of fear as his only chance for the Republican nomination. He will not quote FDR on fear. The other Republican candidates have their own bogey men to scare their own constituencies from immigration to secular humanism. (Which I believe is the only role for government to assume.) How is it possible that they cannot see the irony in their position against radical islam while promoting radical christianity? Selective blindness I guess.
As to the third paragraph from the end, I have a distrust for gut reactions as that part of the anatomy is too close to the rectum. I care and I care for the selfish reason that it is going to have a profound effect on an already explosive area of the world. An area made deadly by the addition of Pakistan to the nuclear nations by the revered President Reagan who lied to the Congress about his actions. The last paragraph refers to an educated friend, perhaps you are confusing someone who had access to an education with one who is truly educated and continues with his education throughout life. It is possible to know about world affairs and the surreal world of sports and put them in perspective but it becomes difficult when your head is up your ass looking for your gut reaction.
R. Malachy Ward
I am with you Malachy the Malcontent until the last sentence when sports become surreal and someone's head is up his own ass. To quote Robert Dinero in Taxi Driver "Are you talking to me?"
Fredman, thank you SO much for posting your blog address in last Friday's article in the Cape Gazette. I love reading about your 'exploits' and other stuff. I always look for something about Doodle Dog (Darby??) because I have one also. Oh, and what exactly are World War 11 movies? LOL You crack me up!
Gramma Debbi from Oak Orchard
I guess they are World War 2 movies I just noticed it looks like 11.

The world war three knock knock joke.
Knock Knock

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